Mindful Moment

A mobile-first design


Mindful Moment is a minimum viable product created to help people care for their mental health through reflections, meditations, moves, and music. As mental health problems become more prevalent in our society, Mindful Moment aims to be a tool users can use in their every day.


Design a responsive website
Design a logo


UX Researcher
UX Designer
UI Designer


Optimal Workshop


9 weeks
(Aug - Oct 2022)


🤔 People want to take care of their mental health, but they have trouble figuring out what to do and when to do it.


💡 Allow users to pick a bite-sized mindful activity to do that is suggested based on their mood.


Everyone takes care of their mental health in different ways.

First, I sought out to hear people's stories with mental health to see what problem I could solve. I prepared an interview script with eight open-ended questions, focusing on the target audience's view on mental health and the things they do for their mental health. After hearing stories from five people, I typed out the different experiences each interviewee shared with me on post its, and I grouped similar experiences together. This helped me see some patterns among the users.

Key Insights

By grouping similar experiences together, I identified three key insights.

Knowing the science behind why a mindful practice is beneficial encourages users to keep at it.

If the research on how a certain mental health care practice is helpful is explained, it encourages users to want to try it out and incorporate it in their life.

Seeing all the different mindful activities one can do is helpful.

There are so many different ways to care for your mental health. Knowing the different options available can really help get someone kickstarted on their mental health care journey.

What works for one person may not work for another person.

A mental health care practice that works for one person may not work for another person, so it's important that users can pick and choose the methods that work for them.


Mindful Beginner and Mindful Enthusiasts

To guide my design, I wanted to make sure I had clear personas to understand the users' goals, needs, experiences, and behaviors. So, based on the interviews, I came up with 2 personas.

1) The first persona is for someone who is trying to build mindful habits, but they're not quite sure where to start and lack time.
2) The second persona is for a seasoned mental health advocate, who wants to continue to care for their mental health.

Click photo to enlarge


Lots of apps focused on one particular mindful activity

Along with interviews, it was important to look at the competition. I looked at three direct competitors and one indirect competitor. A lot of products on the market seem to focus more on one mindful activity, such as only focusing on meditation. There doesn't seem to be a product that has it all, except Finch. However, with Finch, the activities that are provided seem to be very surface level. They could potentially add more meditations, with more coaching on how to do a stretch, etc.

Finch is a great self-care app. They gamified self-care to make it more fun. However, there is a limited amount of meditation and exercises available. So for people who want something deeper for their mental health, they may search for something else.

Headspace provides numerous meditations, moves, and music, but you must pay to use any of it. Also, Headspace does not offer any reflections or journaling spaces.

Calm also provides numerous meditations, exercises, and music. It also provides a check-in section where you can write your thoughts about your feelings or things you may be grateful for. However, the check-in section is also limited. Most everything on this app, you must pay for.

Fabulous is an app that uses behavioral science to help you develop lasting habits, which in turn can help you develop mindful habits.

Defining the Problem

We wanted to provide users with different ways to care for their mental health, whether it is for beginners or seasoned mental health advocates. There was no one product that catered to both crowds.


"I know my mental health affects my day to day, and I've tried various things to be more mindful. I need something that won't take too much of my time."

"I want to build a routine that I can stick with."


My interviewees have tried a few different things for their mental health, but they needed more guidance and personalization to choose what works for them. Build a website that offers different mindfulness activities based on one's mood.

How might we be able to provide personalized recommendations to users on their mental health care journey?


Planning all the features to be added to the product

It was important to write out all the features that were needed for the MVP. Also, I listed out all the future features to think about the growth of the product and business.


Carefully mapping out the actions a user can take on the website

Before creating the product, I drew out the user flow to make sure that users are able to do mindful activities without any unnecessary steps.


Focusing on completing reflections, doing meditations, and searching for a mindful activity using the search bar

Since there are several different activities you can do on this website, I created three task flows to focus on.

1) Doing a reflection on the website
2) Doing a meditation on the website
3) Searching for an activity using the search bar


Sketching out the wireframes from task flows

Here we have sketches of several pages from the check-in feature, list of suggested mindful activities to the actual activities (journal entry, meditation page). Since it is a responsive website, I also sketched what the desktop version would look like.


Turning the sketches into digital wireframes on Figma


Inviting and supportive logo and colors

Before building the high-fidelity wireframes, it was now time to get the brand design. I started with a mood board, and then made my way to creating a logo. Creating the logo was quite a process because I wanted it to encompass the brand values and be unique. I went through a lot of sketches, and finally came to a decision that was easily visible as a large, medium, and small sized logo.


Extending the warmth and care in the design of the components

After spending time coming up with the brand values, designing the logo, and choosing the colors, I built a UI component library, which I continued to update as I made iterations.


Just the right amount of options and participants eager to see the other pages

I tested the three task flows with 5 participants. Participants liked that:

I used an affinity map to help me analyze the usability tests.


1) Users had a hard time finding the explore page.

4 out of 5 users didn't realize there was an explore page where users can view more mindful activities.

Since it was not obvious that there was a page of different activities to browse, I created a banner at the bottom of the homepage to lead to the explore page.

2) Making the check-in feature optional

There wasn't much negative feedback on the "How are you feeling?" check-in feature, but it may be better to give users the options to change their feeling before submitting their response. Also, the "Ask me later" option is there in case the user doesn't really want to record their feeling.

3) Upgrading to Premium pop-up message

During the usability testing, participants clicked on locked activities. I did not assume participants would do this when they had a specific task to do. However, they were so curious about the other things on the app, so I designed this page for the next round of usability tests.

Final Designs

Cultivate mindfulness through tailored activities aligned with your emotions

Simply communicate your current feelings to us, and we will curate a selection of mindful activities designed to resonate with your inner landscape.

Making mindfulness a part of your daily life through bite-sized meditations and activities

Choose from our array of mindfulness activities and engage in a practice that resonates with you, regardless of your time constraints.

Explore our myriad of activities to enhance your mindfulness practices

Browse through our curated selections to discover an activity that aligns with your current situation and preferences.

Final Thoughts

  • Design the different activity pages (reflection, meditation, moves, and music). During the usability testing, users wanted to browse by activities rather than browsing through the search bar, but due to time constraints, I did not design those yet.
  • Illustrations speak louder than text. Create in house illustrations to be implemented throughout the website.
  • Conduct usability testing again after these iterations
  • Interviews are extremely important. Testing is extremely important. Biases can get in the way, so interviews help you see from the users' perspective. Testing also helps you understand the users' thought process better.
  • Keep the users in mind to help you make decisions throughout the design process.
  • Working iteratively through an entire project is helpful in decreasing the cost of error at the end.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.
Visual Developer
Jun 2016 — Jul 2017

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